  • 高速精密数控车床CK6126i CK/CJK6126 产品特点: 主轴支承用日本进口精密轴承,主轴为变频无级调速。 车床纵横向走刀用精密滚珠丝杠传动。 半防护,整体床座,滑动导轨全贴塑。 刀架有排刀架或四工位刀架,可由用户自选。 卡盘、弹簧夹头供用户选择。
  • 高速精密数控车床CK0630 产品特点: 主轴支承用日本进口精密轴承,主轴为变频无级调速。 车床纵横向走刀用精密滚珠丝杠传动。 全防护,整体床座,滑动导轨全贴塑。 刀架有排刀架或四工位刀架,可由用户自选。 卡盘、弹簧夹头和尾座有手动、液压和气动供选择。 数控系统KND90i、华中18i、广泰66T任选。
  • 数控车床 主要特点: 1、带有标准循环及自诊断功能,多种语言菜单; 2、模块结构,可通过RS232C借口与PG或PC连接; 3、主轴采用高精密滚柱轴承支承,以保证主轴高速旋转时的精度。主轴通孔直径38mm,转速达2100rpm; 4、全封闭结构,流线型设计; 5、刀架可选用四、六工位电动刀架或刀排; 6、高性价比,完善的售后服务。
  • QC12Y剪板机 QC12Y剪板机
  • KFL-12型风管辘骨机 KFL-12型风管辘骨机
  • 数控车床CK系列 CK系列数控车床是万能型数控车床,它集国内外同类型数控车床的优点;具有占地面积小,低能耗、高精度、高效率、高柔性、自动化程度高等优点。与国内外同类型产品相比另一个特点是性价比高;选用该机床可低投入,获得高收益。
  • TY-GD型系列数控刮打机床 TY-GD型系列数控刮打机床   TY-GD型系列数控刮打机床是为机械行业,中、小规格轴类零件加工而设计的通用机床。用来刮削轴两端面和钻两端中心孔工序。   该机床采用水平布局,全封闭防护,具有高刚性、高精度、高效率等特点。最适合多品种、大批量轮番生产选用。
  • TY-MK120型数控铆接机 TY-MK120型数控铆接机是为变速箱后壳体两种产品铆接导油槽专门设计的专用机床,该机床由机座、床身、两套夹具、横梁、Z轴体、铆头等主要部件构成。机床设计为三个坐标,横梁左右运动为X轴,主轴(铆头)上下运动为Z轴,横梁前后运动为Y轴,X与Y两坐标轴可以联动,Z轴为液压控制,不可与另两轴同时移动。机床配置FANUC 0i Mate数控系统,X轴和Y轴由AC伺服电机驱动。该机床可满足工序质量、节拍要求,并有效的提高生产效率。
  • TY-SK100型涡轮总成数控切槽机床 TY-SK100型涡轮总成数控切槽机床是我公司为汽车行业开发制造的数控专机设备
  • 供应小型数控排刀车床 •数控20、32型排刀车床 通孔直径:20mm、32mm 控制系统:日本FANUC 0i-Mate TD 丝杆、线轨:THK 轴承:NSK 系统标配Cs轴功能,能完成零件端面及侧面的车,铣、钻、偏心孔、刻字等多种复杂工序, 加工精度可控制在0.005mm以内。 此系列设备处于目前国内领先水平,由中国最早的排刀机代工企业生产,该企业是国外众多知名排刀企业在中国的首选代工商,迄今为止依然再给国外排刀车床企业代工,质量上乘,物美价廉。
  • 长期供应数控纵切(走心)车床 供应16、20型走心机: 此机床与日本津上走心机是同一技术平台的产物,有多名日本津上公司的前雇员参与了此设备的设计、研发、装配、售后调试工作,并且保证了最大限度的与日本津上机的兼容,很多配件彼此都可以互换。
  • 放电加工机 MP / MH 系列 240R+50MP State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 NZ 系列 CM655Z+75NZ State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 NZ 系列 CM545Z+75NZ State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 EZ 系列 434Z+50EZ State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 EZ 系列 323Z+50EZ State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 CNC POWDER 系列 A53CP State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 CNC POWDER 系列 A43CP CNC POWDER SERIES Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 CNC A 系列 CM A64C State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
  • 放电加工机 CNC A 系列 CM A53C State of the Art Technology Developed by a group of top engineers and technicians with rich on ground and theoretical experience in the field of wire cut edm, AW5S renders superb engineering supremacy andunmatched mechanical features to outstand others.
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